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Students of Loyola: Katrina Demas

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.

Students of Loyola: a take on the very exciting, emotional, and raw Humans Of New York. I want to capture the students at Loyola in a way that has not been done before. I want people’s joy and struggles to be out there, without forcing anything too much.


Meet Katrina Demas:



What is something you live by and why? 

“A mantra I have chosen to live by this year “take every moment like it’s your life, appreciate it to the fullest.” I have started adapting this to my own life because of passed experiences that have shaped me in to the person I am today. Even when the days seem like they are at their darkest, this quotes helps brighten the light on the horizon. If we do not choose to live by this, we choose to live life miserably.”

I am a fourth year student at Loyola University Chicago. I am highly interested in journalism, and social media marketing, especially when it comes to news and fashion. My current experiences consist of sales in different companies throughout the Midwest, such as Ann Taylor and Kate Spade, and editorial work with various companies, including Her Campus and Orange Coast magazine.