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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LUC chapter.


Photo Credit: Jixar
It’s that dreaded time of the semester again….midterms. The last few weeks before spring break when it seems like every single class you’re taking that hasn’t had a single assignment due for the past month suddenly is demanding all your time. You’re tired, cranky, and counting down the days until you can go to sleep without turning on an alarm for the next morning. Don’t burn out, you’re almost there! Just a few more days until spring break! In the meantime, here are three hopefully not so obvious tips for surviving midterms. 
Don’t Skip Class
This may seem obvious, yet I’ve seen it happening a lot the past few weeks in my classes. People are skipping classes that they  think aren’t as important as another class in order to study, catch up on sleep or avoid the embarrassment of not turning in an assignment on time. You might think this technique is the best way to survive midterm overload, but that really isn’t the case at all, professors notice, and you may think they don’t care (maybe a lot don’t), but regardless it can make you seem irresponsible and disinterested in their course. If you don’t care what your professor thinks or about your slowly diminishing participation grade, please just consider that you are becoming more behind in these classes you’re skipping. Missing class will ultimately lead to more stress in the future that could’ve been easily avoided. 
​Make a Schedule and Stick to It
​I think it’s safe to say that the majority of students make a study schedule, plan to start study guides, papers, presentations, etc. weeks before they’re due and then still end up scrambling the night before. We’ve all done it, don’t be embarrassed, but learn from these experiences! If you’re going to take the time and make a study schedule, make sure you stick to it! You don’t have to start studying weeks in advance (in most cases) in order to do well, just make sure you’re not cramming the night before or the day of the test! This schedule will only guarantee that you are prioritizing your time wisely and getting everything done. You’ll feel so productive and prepared for everything that you have to accomplish and will without a doubt see positive results. 
Don’t Overdo It
​A lot of students feel that the only way they are going to succeed during midterms week is to study constantly and pull constant all-nighters, however, doing so is nothing but detrimental and will most likely cause you to crash before you’ve completed everything you need to. If you have three midterms one day and then are planning on studying for another test all night, you won’t be able to retain as much information as you think you are. Your brain needs a break! Take a short study break every once and a while, take a walk, go to the gym, or take a nap! Your mind needs time to reboot and constantly studying will only make your mind foggy and unproductive. Everyone needs a break every once and a while, even if it’s only for a short time! 
Lastly, just remember, all this work and stress will be worth it when its over and you’ll get the break you deserve! Happy studying! 
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