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Reading For School
Anna Thetard / Her Campus

Top Five Conspiracy Theories to Distract You from School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

It’s almost October, so you know what that means? Spooky season is right around the corner, and the internet provides plenty of fun ways to procrastinate and forget about the boring assignments (but, really, do your homework and have fun!). With these ideas in mind, I wanted to dive into five outlandish conspiracy theories running the internet to distract you from the never ending stresses of school. 

  1. Birds are Government Drones: Lately, surrounding all the Area 51 memes and government distrust, a popular theory has emerged stating that birds aren’t real; birds are simply drones used by the government to spy on our everyday activities. Peter McIndoe, a conspiracy theorist from Memphis, has gone on multiple radio interviews to back up this idea. You can listen to his arguments here: https://1029thewolf.radio.com/blogs/conspiracy-theorist-believes-birds-arent-real-are-actually-dronesyes-really 

  2. Area 51: Probably one of the most commonly known conspiracy theories in the country, many people believe that the government is using Area 51 as a holding place for alien technology and is conducting experiments on the aliens. To prove this outlandish theory, many people went to the “Area 51” raid this Friday, September 20th. To read more about this, visit https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/21/us/area-51-alienstock.html  

  3. Disney Conspiracy Theories: The internet is full of conspiracy theories surrounding the mega-conglomerate that is Disney. Ranging from the popular theory that Walt Disney is frozen somewhere inside the Disney parks to thoughts connecting all the Disney princess movies together, you can easily find entertaining conspiracy theories on YouTube and internet blogs to explore. One of my favorite blogs about movie connections is this one: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/10-insane-disney-conspiracy-theories-that-could-be_b_583b9a28e4b0a79f7433b81b  

  4. Shark spies: According to an article by Popular Mechanics, shark attacks that depleted Egyptian tourism in 2010 was blamed on “Isralei remote-controlled sharks” by the Egyptian government. When GPS devices were found on sharks in the Red Sea, the theory began to run wild. Even after the GPS hardware was confirmed to only track shark’s natural habits, the theory is still popular today. This theory has been detailed at https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/environment/g130/9-utterly-ridi…

  5. The Titanic never sank: This conspiracy theory is my little brother’s personal favorite. Many believe that the titanic was swapped for the Olympic, an older ship that was on its last legs. The company swapped the ships in order to benefit from insurance money from the crash and then would use the real Titanic ship under a different name later. You can read more on this theory here: https://www.popularmechanics.com/technology/infrastructure/a26533526/oly…

Now, these are all fun and games, but be sure to balance down time with actual work for school! I hope you enjoy reading all the crazy thoughts the internet has to offer. Happy conspiracy hunting!


Kristen Bastin

Louisiana Tech '20

Technical Writing and Creative Writing student at Louisiana Tech.
Alicia Centers

Louisiana Tech '20

I am a junior Cyber Engineering major who just enjoys hanging out with awesome gals outside of school!