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Romance Comics That Will Make Your Heart Flutter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

This goes out to all the helpless romantics out there who just can’t help but dive into a rom-com comic. There is a free app called Webtoon that is filled with many different genres, but the most popular one is Romance. I had to see what all the hype was about when I kept seeing the Lore Olympus ad on my Instagram timeline. After caving in to the pressure, I am hooked. Not only on the story but also on the app. The plot, graphics, and vast story options are fantastic. I highly recommend getting it to help pass the time as we all wait for the lockdown to be over. As of right now, I am reading about thirteen stories. Although, I will tell you about the top three that I recommend everyone to read. Don’t worry, I will do my best not to give out any huge spoilers.


Lore Olympus was the first story I ever read on the app. I understand why they choose to advertise with this story. You just can’t help but read more. The story is lightly based on greek mythology, so if you are into that kind of topic it’s perfect. What makes this story good is the chemistry growing between Persephone and Hades. There is just something attractive about seeing a guy all flustered over someone he likes. In addition to the juicy storyline, the graphics are so beautiful and lively.


The next story that has grabbed my attention is Let’s Play. This story is about a game developer whose reputation was carelessly tarnished by a YouTuber. As the story unfolds, things start to look up for her, including her love life. I can’t express to you how many times I fell in love with each of the characters because they’re just that attractive. The graphics for this story are more detailed, and this story has a lot of relatable situations that only make me want to read it more.


Finally, the last story I want to mention is Freaking Romance. This story starts off like how most college students do, looking for a place to live near a university. At first, a cheap apartment was thought to have been haunted, due to a girl’s disappearance and odd apparitions. Nevertheless, the college student settles right in due to her love of exploring the unknown. That, in turn, leads to an interesting relationship with the apparition. I don’t want to give out any important spoilers, so you’ll have to read more to find out. The graphics are also vibrant, yet dark. It’s a very beautiful balance. Besides the dastard cliffhanger at the end, I think everyone should read it.


I haven’t been much of a reader, not even with comic books until I gave this app a try. Since I am also a helpless romantic at heart, I can’t help but become invested in the story so much that I often find myself blushing and laughing as I read. It makes me feel like I too can find love this nice. That’s how you know they are that good. This lockdown has taken us all by surprise. Along with online classes, it may seem like it is the end of the world. Be it as it may, what better time to relax and take time to read these rom-com comics.


Brianna Fielding

Louisiana Tech '22

Hello! I am junior at LA Tech University. My major is Medical Technology but what I really love to do is be creative. Whether it is DIY projects, sewing, painting, etc. Random fact:I love sunflowers and roses! (Best combination of flowers to me) ^_^