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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

You can’t put a kitchen timer on love

or guess how long people stay soft in the middle


No matter how little or how long

they have known each other


My parents knew each other for one year

before they sealed it with a twisty-tie 


(rings aren’t for the last minute)

Then a year later they called it quits


My friend’s parents dated for ten years

then were married for ten, then separated


There’s no way to tell what really works

until you test it out


So my parents each remarried, found a new love

a new life, someone else to call home 


The crux doesn’t mean the conclusion

even if you misinterpret salt for sugar


and have to start from scratch


Thank you for showing me the best way

to find love is to try again

I'm a Junior Creative Writing major and Editor in Cheif for the Her Campus chapter at Louisiana Tech University, who hopes to be a professional writer/editor one day! I love to joke around, but also talk about critical moments in my life and those that surround me to hopefully offer entertainment and guidance to my readers!