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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

As you may already know from the news and social media, the world is currently facing a pandemic due to an outbreak of a highly contagious virus. It is best not to panic during situations like this. Instead, you should remain calm and keep up to date on new information as it’s released. As great as social media is when it comes to spreading information, some of it can be exaggerated. Before going on a hunt for extra toilet paper and face masks, stop to read about what kind of virus we are dealing with.

COVID-19 is just the abbreviated version of “coronavirus disease 2019.” The novel virus is a part of the coronavirus family that causes respiratory issues. As the disease spread from country to country, exposure has been described as community spreading. In other words, for those who are infected, it is not clear how they were exposed. It is here now and needs to be controlled immediately.

The virus can spread easily from person to person by either direct contact, respiratory droplets caused by coughing or sneezing, or touching infected surfaces. It may not be dangerous if contracted by a healthy individual, however, it can be dangerous to the elderly as well as people with heart problems, diabetes, and lung problems. For those who are not worried about the pandemic, it’s still best to consider others who may be more at risk concerning their health. Everyone has to do their part to get through this issue with the least amount of damage possible.

Unfortunately, there is no vaccine for the COVID-19, nor are there medications to help prevent it at this time. The best thing to do to slow the growth of this illness is by washing your hands for at least twenty seconds with warm water and soap. Hand sanitizer helps too. However, if your area is sold out of it, there are a few sources that teach you how to make your own, but be wary to use credible sources. In addition to these precautions, abstain from touching your eyes, mouth, and nose. Unless you are sick, do not buy a face mask. It won’t help to deplete supplies you do not currently need because it could prevent others who do actually need a mask from obtaining it.

We are in a serious global pandemic. However, it is not the end of the world. During this time we must be patient because there is a lot happening everywhere at the same time. Hospitals, emergency response teams, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and most professional headquarters are working diligently to get everything under control. These times are hard, but it too will pass. All credit for this information is due to the CDC. If you wish to learn in greater detail about the CDC developments, check out https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-nCoV/summary.html


Brianna Fielding

Louisiana Tech '22

Hello! I am junior at LA Tech University. My major is Medical Technology but what I really love to do is be creative. Whether it is DIY projects, sewing, painting, etc. Random fact:I love sunflowers and roses! (Best combination of flowers to me) ^_^