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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

When quarantine first started, I was waking up, going for a run, doing schoolwork, going to sleep, and doing it all over again. I got extremely comfortable in my day to day activities, which truly didn’t amount to much. Besides the stress that came from a world-wide pandemic, my stress was at an all-time low. There was no racing back and forth to class, keeping up with a social life, or even attending extracurricular activities. Life as we knew it had come to a complete halt, taking my stress and worries with it. Now, as most of us have returned to our colleges, jobs, and COVID safe social lives it can get overwhelming fast.

Photo by Edwin Hooper from Unsplash
After a few weeks of go, go, go, I was officially beyond stressed. I had school work coming out of my ears, countless Zoom meetings to attend, and an internship I was working to juggle. It seemed as if overnight my life kept on right where I had left off months ago. The only difference is now I feel as though I’m having to reteach myself how to stay on top of things, keep organized, and make sure all of my ducks are in a line. While I may not have it all together, there are a few things that I’ve realized, learned, and started that have helped how I go about life after quarantine. 


The most important thing you can do to keep your stress levels low is to keep yourself organized. I know you’ve heard it a thousand times, but staying on top of things is a one-way road to success. Every day I plan out my day with what I need to get done. This keeps me on my toes by helping me remember each assignment and project I need to complete. As I complete a task, I mark it off and move onto the next item. It’s so refreshing to watch as your “to-do list” gets smaller and smaller. 

minimalist office space with a full agenda
Photo by STIL from Unsplash
Think ahead of the game. If you have extra time, complete that assignment early, start studying for that test, or simply start to work ahead. You never know what exams and projects are waiting for you around the corner, so if you have the opportunity give yourself a little head start. This will make your workload way less stressful, and it’s a great way to manage your time. 


Start your day with a good attitude. Think back to the last few months when you weren’t able to do everything you’re doing now. Take advantage of every single day because if the last few months have taught us anything, it’s to be thankful for even the smallest blessings. Wake up in the morning, make a cup of coffee, put on your favorite shirt, and get ready to take on the day. If you start your day feeling grateful, the rest of your day is sure to have a good outlook.

Morning Routine
Samantha Glades
Take some time for yourself. This is something I constantly struggle with. I’m a firm believer in working, studying, and using every second of the day, but oftentimes what you need most is to simply sit back and do something you enjoy. For me this could be going for a run, having a picnic, or reading a book. Maybe for you, it looks more like a half-hour nap, a coffee run, or playing with your dog. No matter what it’s important to do those little things that make you happy. 


Drink water, get some sleep, and take care of your body. Don’t let your busy schedule get in the way of taking care of yourself. You must make sure you don’t put too much pressure on yourself, physically, emotionally, or mentally. It can be really difficult to jump back into everything at once, so if you need to take a step back then take a step back! Just remember to show yourself some love, especially on the days when it all gets a little too much. 

As a little girl, I spent hours writing stories. Obviously they weren't exactly bestsellers, but it was my passion nevertheless. I would fill up my notebooks with everything I didn't know how to say out loud, and anything I could imagine. Now, as a college student, I'm chasing my dream one word at a time. I'm currently studying English and Marketing, with the intention of becoming an editor.
I'm a Junior Creative Writing major and Editor in Cheif for the Her Campus chapter at Louisiana Tech University, who hopes to be a professional writer/editor one day! I love to joke around, but also talk about critical moments in my life and those that surround me to hopefully offer entertainment and guidance to my readers!