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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Louisiana Tech chapter.

Being busy has its ups and downs, but for me, the hardest part is making sure you have enough time in the day. Sometimes I can get so caught up in everything I need to do that I get stressed out, overwhelmed, and therefore unproductive. For someone who’s pretty busy, this isn’t good. You’ve got to stay on top of things, find a way that works, and stick with it. I’ve put together a list of a few ways you can get things done more efficiently! 

oatmeal and coffee
Photo by the5th from Pixabay
1. Do What You’re Dreading First

I know you may not want to hear this but one method I’ve found that works is doing the dreaded tasks first. Avoiding that project or essay isn’t going to solve anything, so when you wake up in the morning get it out of the way. Being done with that one thing you’re not looking forward to will make the rest of your day ten times better. 

2. Start Your Day Off Early

Sleeping in until lunch? As important as beauty sleep is, getting up a little early will make such a big difference. You’ll be able to finish so many more tasks so much quicker if you find a way to get up and going as soon as you can. I know this can be a difficult habit to get into, but once you have you’ll realize how big of a difference it makes. 

Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters from Unsplash
3. Write Down A To-Do List

The oldest trick in the book is to write those dreaded tasks down. Not only will it help you remember everything you need to get done, but it will feel so good to check each item off one by one. If you’re writing a to-do list, you can map out your day and you can even prioritize which things you should do first. 

4. Put Away Distractions

The easiest way to be unproductive is by scrolling on that phone a little too long. It isn’t hard to get lost in the constant entertainment and then look up and realize that you’ve wasted an entire hour. Even setting your phone on your bed while you study at your desk will make a difference when it comes to distractions. 

woman sleeping on bed beside book
Photo by Zohre Nemati from Unsplash
5. Give Yourself A Break

As a busy person, it’s easy to get caught up studying and working. Make sure to look up every once in a while and realize all the amazing things going on in your life. Take a few moments to go outside, hang out with your roommate, or enjoy a good book. Working yourself to death can cause you to get burnt out. Make sure to take care of yourself and listen to your mind and body!

As a little girl, I spent hours writing stories. Obviously they weren't exactly bestsellers, but it was my passion nevertheless. I would fill up my notebooks with everything I didn't know how to say out loud, and anything I could imagine. Now, as a college student, I'm chasing my dream one word at a time. I'm currently studying English and Marketing, with the intention of becoming an editor.
I'm a Junior Creative Writing major and Editor in Cheif for the Her Campus chapter at Louisiana Tech University, who hopes to be a professional writer/editor one day! I love to joke around, but also talk about critical moments in my life and those that surround me to hopefully offer entertainment and guidance to my readers!