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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Living in the social media generation, many of us have written a bio or two on our social media accounts. These usually contain small facts about ourselves, like our names, schools, organizations, and passions. These bios on social media are the easiest way to say: “Hi. This is me and this is my world.” But in the last couple of years, you may have seen preferred pronouns added into these bios and questioned “Should I have my preferred pronouns in my bios too?” and to answer your question: YES, ABSOLUTELY.


You may be thinking that your pronouns are pretty obvious so it shouldn’t matter whether you state them or not. But the truth of the matter is when cisgender individuals share their preferred pronouns, it normalizes the act of sharing your pronouns whether you’re a member of the LGBTQ+ community or not. It’s important that we as a society continue to learn and grow, and a big part of that is normalizing that there isn’t a default to the human experience.


Sharing your pronouns in your bios allows members of all communities to feel accepted in a healthy, non judgemental environment. It creates a platform to have conversations with your loved ones and to help educate the people around you. By simply stating your preferred pronouns in your bio, you are rejecting societal norms and expectations and in the process becoming an ally to the LGBTQ+ community. It further normalizes this mentality on future generations to never make assumptions about any individual based solely on how they dress, which bathroom they use, or how they talk. We want to teach the future generations to love and accept the human being inside and to celebrate all that they are.


Especially living in a pandemic, many of us have opted from the campus classroom to a classroom in our childhood bedrooms over Zoom. Much like how it is crucial to have your preferred pronouns in your social media bio, the same mentality crosses over to adding your preferred pronouns over zoom as it normalizes this idea that all individuals should be treated with respect and acceptance, and have the opportunity to share who they are.


Bios are just another way we can connect with the outside world. Social media is an amazing tool that allows us to see what is important in the lives of our friends and loved ones, and supporting all communities on these platforms is just as important. So the next time you are looking at your bio or your friends, ask yourself if you are doing your part in normalizing all human experiences

Hi!! I'm Christina Fazio and I'm a psychology major and double minor in Women and Gender Studies & Journalism at LMU and am originally from the Hollywood area. I typically love to talk about social justice issues, mental health issues and I enjoy the simple things in life including journalism, binge-watching shows on Netflix, and looking out at the Bluff at LMU. Constantly learning new ways to be informed and educated and sharing that through my writing.
Her Campus LMU