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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Being a girl is probably the most wonderful, difficult, and rewarding thing in the world. Since the beginning of time, society has been trying to label us as things or objects of desire. We have been probably labeled as everything except for what we are – human beings.

We are in an era where we are so dependent on our technology that we need it to help us get through our day to day schedules. According to an article on ChildMind.org, teenagers “are getting actual polling data on how much people like them or their appearance via things like likes” on platforms such as Instagram or Facebook.

As a result, girls are spending hours choosing the best selfie to post on their perfectly edited feed on social media in an attempt to present themselves quite literally in the best light possible. Or, their time is spent scrolling through photos of other girls on their news feeds and they start to compare themselves: Why don’t I like look that? Why does she have that and I don’t? The insecurities begin to surface.

We instantly trick ourselves into feeling that we will never be good enough.

I AM THAT GIRL is a national non-profit organization that trumps and challenges that entire mentality that girls need to be or look a certain way in order to be considered beautiful.

Our mission is to turn that self-doubt into self-love. It is a movement inspiring girls everywhere to not fall into the holes that social media has dug for us and to not listen to those people who are telling you that you are not worth it.

We want you to love, express, and be exactly who you are. Because who you are is worth celebrating every single day! On Tuesdays at 8:00 pm on the third floor of Von Der Ahe, come join a club that’s all about girls coming together, hanging out, and having discussions that truly matter.

Our goal: To raise the standards for how girls treat themselves, each other, and the world. By building a community for girls to be seen, be heard, and belong, we are giving them something bigger than themselves to stand for and creating a healthier, more powerful world.

For more information check out our website: http://www.iamthatgirl.com

A Cleveland, Ohio native, Kaitlin is a senior English Major at Loyola Marymount University.