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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

By Sam Wilson


I have attended college for 3 weeks and 4 days. So far so good, considering I haven’t dropped out and I still call my mom once a week. I live in one of the most creative, beautiful, and diverse cities in the world; Los Angeles. That being said, behind all the gorgeous people, the ocean views, and the green grass that lines every inch of our campus is something I’ve never been exposed to; the conversation around food.

For the first time in most college freshman’s lives, food is available to us at almost any given hour. It’s a beautiful yet sometimes hard to navigate truth. A lot of my conversations have revolved around dieting, going to the gym, or avoiding the delicious ice cream being served at the dining hall. It’s been hard to relate to these topics or even find an appropriate answer to respond with. Here are three situations, or ideas, to possible help find your way in this complicated world of food.

1. Take care of yourself in a way that genuinely pleases you.

If that means going to the gym once a week then you go girl! If that means going 7 times a week, or never, keep doing what makes you feel good. But try to avoid challenging or questioning your peers workout schedule. Every person needs different amounts of exercise to feel fulfilled and healthy. But remember, do what makes your whole body, mind, soul, and emotions feel the best.

2. Eat whenever

College is incredible because you are literally not obligated to do anything (except maybe attend class). But this means that you are responsible for when you eat. That could mean 3 times a day or 10 times a day, whatever fills your tummy! Don’t feel pressured to not eat because your friends aren’t hungry or you have too much homework. Remember that you can always get a meal to go and that fueling your body can actually make you happier and more energetic.

3. Splurge, Girl!

It is okay to eat an entire tub of ice cream every now and then. Give yourself a break. We all know the importance of feeding our bodies fruits and vegetables but dining hall food can get so boring, and ice cream will always be ice cream.


So, ladies and gentlemen, stay true to yourself and love your body and your tummy at all times.


Her Campus LMU