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The Boyband You Forgot Made Your Childhood

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Boy bands have already been around, from the Beatles to New Kids on the Block, they never fail to capture the hearts of teenage girls around the world. I definitely one of those girls whose hearts they capture. I spend way too much time watching documentaries of my favorite bands and viewing endless music videos on YouTube. So, whenever I see an article about boy bands, I have to click on it. It’s my nature.

Fortunately, I’ve seen a lot of articles recently about the “greatest boy bands of all time” and as a girl who is very enthusiastic about boy bands, I have to click on them. Every. Single. Time. Not gonna lie, they’re usually pretty great. They always talk about the Backstreet Boys (Nick Carter anyone?), N*SYNC (JT’s prime), and of course, One Direction. The ones who saved us from the forever-horrible boy band drought (I would even argue that we’re in one right now). However, one thing that I’ve found from these articles is that pretty much all of them lack the truly greatest boyband of all time. The ones who truly rocked.

The ones who burned us all up

 The ones who took us to Year 3000, The Jonas Brothers.

I seriously don’t understand how someone could forget the Jonas Brothers. Like, excuse me? Burnin’ Up is still the most iconic song and music video of all time. I’m shook that someone could curve the JoBros like that.

The Jonas Brothers changed my life and took the music industry to the best place it’ll ever be. Do yourself a favor and listen to their albums again, they will fill your heart, nourish your soul, and inspire you. Anyway, I just thought I’d take this time to remind everyone of the actual greatest boy band of all time. From Lines, Vines, and Trying Times to Year 3000, my heart is still with the true JB. The forgotten boy band.




Lizzie Bromley is a sophomore studying Journalism at Loyola Marymount University. She is in a sorority, CPC VP of Communications and Marketing, involved in Campus Ministry, and the VP of Social Media for Greek Light. She has passions for writing/blogging, spending time with her friends, and binge-watching The Office.