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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.


Blind dates are scary enough in the real world, but these gems of excitement (and sometimes horror) are worse in college because you’ll usually see whomever you’re set up with around campus. Not to mention, may the odds be ever in your favor if a blind-date-gone-wrong ends up in a class with you.

In most cases, blind dates are set up by a friend who intends for the two of you to get along and hit it off. As a result, there’s hope to be had before the date even happens! So, given the fact that blind dates can actually be successful, it’s important to treat it like a normal date. It’s cliché, but being yourself is the best dating advice out there … as is being prepared. Always have a good friend’s number on speed dial in case a rescue mission needs to be carried out.

Before a blind date, do yourself a favor and avoid stalking him. This is the worst thing you can do — and not just because it defeats the purpose of a blind date. Pulling up a profile picture isn’t stalking; that’s just common sense. However, if you find yourself looking at his profile’s likes, albums from high school or his mother’s profile, you’ve gone too far. Getting to know a person by actually talking to them, however old-fashioned that may seem, is the only way to have a real relationship these days. If all else fails, make a Tinder account.

So you got through the pre-date nerves, you avoided a hard-core stalking session, and you met him face-to-face. If it didn’t go well, your friends told you how amazing you are and how weird the guy is. There’s always the one friend who says, “I never saw that working out to begin with!” and you wonder why she didn’t say that earlier. You then turn to Ben & Jerry, who have been and always will be there for you. Avoid the blind-date-gone-wrong in the future, and it will be as though the whole thing never happened.

What? The blind date was successful? Oh, happy day! If that’s the case, you got home, checked your phone obsessively while hard-core stalking his Facebook – mother’s profile and all – and eagerly awaited date number two. Ben & Jerry’s is optional in this case, but highly recommended.