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Big/Little Week as Told by Office Gifs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

When someone says getting a little isn’t that big of a deal

When someone says that they think you’ll be a good big

Telling your big about girls you’re interested in 

Trying not to be too obvious when telling a girl you like her 

When a lot of girls are interested in your #1 

When people get mad at you for little-claiming

Introducing a favorite to your family

When someone says you’re too obsessed with her 

Finding “the one”  

Thinking about your future together

When your family tries to impress her 

Ranking your top choices 

When you’re matched with your #1 

Getting ready to craft 

Making the first basket 

When someone says they’re a better crafter than you 

More crafting 

After you craft your baskets perfectly 

You when you check your bank account

Getting ready for Big/Little reveal

When the reveal is about to happen… 

During Big/Little reveal 

Knowing you’ll love her forever 

Lizzie Bromley is a sophomore studying Journalism at Loyola Marymount University. She is in a sorority, CPC VP of Communications and Marketing, involved in Campus Ministry, and the VP of Social Media for Greek Light. She has passions for writing/blogging, spending time with her friends, and binge-watching The Office.