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5 Ways to Be Instantly Healthier in College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.


    As a college student, sometimes the last thing on our minds is our health. Studying for the next test or getting the perfect outfit for that frat party is prioritized, and that’s not necessarily super healthy. This is the case because when the world “healthy” is thrown into a conversation, kale and kombucha are usually the prime contenders. Although consuming healthy foods plays a role in the way your day will go, it’s not the only way to have optimal health. There are a few methods to better your well being that I believe go unnoticed, so I am here to shed light on those magical remedies!

Number 1: Go outside!

It’s no secret that the more sunshine you get, the happier you are. Not only is the vitamin D doing great things for your body, but the fact that you are getting out of your room and experiencing the outside world is very beneficial for your mental health. I find myself going outside when a feel stressed or overwhelmed and somehow, I always feel much better afterwards. It’s also a great excuse to go do fun things outside, like running, hiking, swimming, or maybe just laying down in the grass. So, go be a sun goddess and soak up some magical rays!

Number 2: Talk to people more

    No matter what the introverts of the world say, human interaction is actually an essential part of being a healthy person. I can say this because I am an introvert, and I can confidently say that being with people is basically magic. Even having a conversation that lasts for five minutes, the simple action of conversing with someone is what will instantly boost your mood. You don’t even have to have a conversation, just say hi to people, especially those you aren’t that close with. Saying hello to them, might just be the push you need to form a new relationship. Everybody likes a happy, smiley person, so why not be that?

Number 3: Let go of your phone

    It seems that our smartphones are glued to all of our hands now a days, and I’m not saying that’s a terrible thing, but it’s definitely not the healthiest thing. Our phones allow us to communicate with people from all over the world, but it’s more beneficial to have that communication face to face. It’s so easy to get caught up in what’s trending on instagram or twitter and I think a little technology detox will only do you good. You’d be surprised how liberating it feels to simply just put your phone away and experience the world around you.

Number 4: Be yourself 100% percent of the time

    There are so many people, places, and events nowadays that can influence you. It can be easy to change who you are based on what is happening around you, but I think that it’s so important to stay true to what makes you, you. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with bettering yourself, but changing yourself to fit the norm is never going to end well. Not to be every 16 year old girl on instagram ever, but the quote “Be yourself, everyone else is taken” from Oscar Wilde really speaks to me. If you try to fit into the standards that society places on you, you are only going to feel more lost, and more unlike yourself. So, be you. I promise you, they’re pretty freakin awesome.

Number 5: Do things that make your heart happy

    It’s easy to put others before ourselves, but at the end of the day the only way to achieve true happiness is to do the things that make YOU happy. If that means doing something that society may deem as “weird” or “stupid”, so be it. You are the conductor of your own life, and wherever you want the train to go, it shall go. So, if your heart wants to be filled with happiness in the form of late night pizza, long facetimes with your mom or dancing like no one is watching, you just gotta do those things. Happiness is the base of having a healthy life, so if you want to achieve that, I suggest you get started by adding some happy to your daily routine.

Overall, health is a choice, and it’s up to you whether you pursue it or not. But I really think doing some of these things can be really good for you. They are such small methods to incorporate in your daily life, so I suggest you do your best to add as many as you can. Happy and healthy, those are the two best things you can be. And lucky for you, they go hand in hand.  :)