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10 Ways to Handle Homesickness

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at LMU chapter.

Whether you go to school an hour away from home, or all the way across the country, chances are you’ve experienced homesickness while being away at college. What most people don’t want to admit is that homesickness is not just a feeling for freshman during their first few weeks away from home – even a completely well-adjusted junior or senior collegiate who loves her school can still feel a longing for the comforts of home, and it can be hard to focus on your school, work, and social life when this feeling hits hard. Below are some helpful tips to cheer you up and get you through until the holiday vacations!

1.     Stay busy. Sometimes having too much time to think or dwell on missing home can perpetuate these feelings. Get involved and stay active in your organizations, clubs, sports teams, etc. Say yes to opportunities and take advantage of everything college has to offer. Staying distracted will keep your mind off of missing home, and will remind you of the opportunities and friends you get to enjoy only while you are at school!

2.     Exercise. We all know the importance of exercise, but it can be easy when we’re feeling blue to just want to crawl in bed and never come out. However, simply breathing in some fresh air, listening to some music, and getting a rush of endorphins can work wonders and have you back in a positive mindset.

3.     Listen to music. Not only does listening to your favorite songs have a soothing effect, but it can be that familiarity you need that makes you feel like you are not that far from home.

4.     Journal. Simply writing everything down can be the best way to sort out your feelings, and putting everything on paper can make overwhelming problems feel manageable.

5.     Call/text/Skype/send snail mail to a loved one. This one may seem obvious, but there is nothing like having a nice venting session with a loved one from home. Often times, they will give you the exact advice you needed to hear and offer comfort and support.

6.     Watch your favorite movie or TV show. Getting wrapped up in a suspenseful show or laughing at your favorite rom-com can be just the remedy for a bad case of homesickness – it simultaneously distracts you while also offering the comfort of home that you’re missing. 

7.     Make a list of all of the things you want to do when you go home for break. This allows you to express some of the things you are really missing about home, and something to look forward to as you motivate through quizzes, exams, and finals.

8.     Make a list of all the things you love about being at school. Now that you have your list of things to look forward to at home, focus on what you’re grateful for at school! Friends? The beach? Sunsets on the bluff? Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities? While it is easier said than done, try to keep your focus on the bright side of being away at college rather than dwelling on the things you’re missing about home. Before you know it, your four years at college will be over, and you don’t want to spend them dwelling on the things you miss about home!

9. Make your dorm room feel more like home. Sometimes a cozy dorm room and a cup of hot tea can almost make you feel like you are in the comfort of your own home. (: 

10. If these feelings last for longer than a few weeks at a time, always know that you can make an appointment at Student Psychological Services. They are here to help students get back to feeling their best so that they can enjoy all that college has to offer!

Finally, remember that it’s okay, normal, and natural to be homesick. This isn’t the first time you’ve felt this feeling while being away at school and it most likely won’t be the last! Be patient with yourself, and know that you’re not alone!