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4 O’Clocks as Told by Friends

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lehigh chapter.

The night before your exam:

When your friends are all out partying and you are studying:

When you look at how many chapters you have to study, you’re like:

After studying for the first time for your exam, you’re like:

Studying for something boring:

Studying for a language exam:

How you feel after a day of studying:

When your exam gets postponed due to snow:

Going out the night before your exam:

What you want to say to your professor:

It doesn’t end here. Go to the next page for even more laughs…


When you can begin the test:

When you look at your test and you’re like…

During the exam:

When you are trying to figure out a problem:


When you figure out an answer on the exam:

When you try to answer a question on the test:

When the question asks you to explain why:

When your professor is making noise during your exam, you’re like:

When you walk out of your test, you are just like:

How you feel after your really hard exam:

After an exam:

After you finish your exams, you’re like: