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How We Should Travel in Our 20s

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

How We Should Travel in Our 20s

Our twenties can be the best time to travel because we are somewhat free from responsibility and our health is at its best condition. It’s the time when we are most energetic which allow us to fulfill our dreams. What are you waiting for? Dream big, grab your backpack and LET’S ROLL!

Forget about hotels and Michelin restaurants.

It is true that in our twenties, we are rich in terms of time and our health however, we still are, in most cases, financially dependent or have student loans to pay back. So, leave the Instagram-photo-like travel plans in your dreams because you don’t need them!

Stay in hostels, pick up food in the supermarkets and travel by night bus; why not? When you reflect upon this time in your forties, you may admire how endurable and tough you were. 

Plus, hostels are usually the best places to meet new friends from all over the world. Traveling is not just about visiting tourist attractions and eating incredible food but also about strengthening our cultural awareness. So, go talk to those young travelers like you, share some stories, and expand your communication skills. 

Be a backpacker, a solo traveler.

Do you have enough time for yourself? Challenge yourself. Travel somewhere alone (of course, plan ahead because your safety is your main priority). When you travel alone, you have so much time to meditate and to figure out who you are and what you want. You will also notice that you seem to have a sharper sense of observation because all the noises are gone when you are a solo traveler. 

Do your homework. Don’t just go somewhere because somebody has been there before. Traveling is not just something for you to brag about later. So, don’t spend your hard-earned money purely for the sole purpose of taking a photo on Brooklyn Bridge, the London Eye or the Eiffel Tower. Research unique places to visit wherever you’re going and add some intrigue and meaning to your travel stories.

Traveling is not a privilege for young people. You don’t need to be a super traveler to be fresh or unique. Chances are, you will never be too old to travel to ‘the Top 100 Places You Must Visit in Your Life’, but why not start now and plan your unforgettable yet economical trip in your 20s.


By Yi-Fang Wang

Pictures are all author’s own.

I love seeing the world in different perspectives. I work hard, study hard and travel hard. In 2017, after working as a full-time English teacher at a local Taiwanese Middle School, I decided to set my foot on UK and do my master’s degree in Communication and Media. Also, I started to blog and vlog my bitter-sweet life. See you on my YouTube Channel: The Yixperience 對於說中文或是正在學中文的朋友,歡迎你們到我的YouTube,粉專和部落格看更多分享唷! Meet me on Social Media: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPfrdarxyP9k4417dQdpJzg https://www.facebook.com/uklifejottings/ https://byfwang.wixsite.com/uk-yixperience