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Freshers’ Flu- Advice for freshers

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

Freshers Flu. I made the rookie mistake of thinking it was a myth. But here I am curled up in my dark bedroom, like a hermit, coughing and sweating. If you’re also in the same boat, you’re in luck! Here are some top tips to help with Freshers Flu as this is not my first rodeo. 


Whether it’s a gummy or a tablet the size of a grape- take them! Your body needs nutrients to get better. I personally take a multivitamin with iron in it because I’m an anaemic babe.  


Honestly, cooking whilst you’re ill is too much effort. But one tip is to get your friends to buy or order some microwave meals. All you need to do is bang it in the microwave and boom its done. The last thing you want to do is not eat because you don’t have the effort to cook. SO, GET SOME EASY FOOD! Don’t do what I did and spend all your money on Uber Eats because it was NOT worth it. 


Please do me a favour and STOP drinking unfiltered tap water whilst you’re ill. Unfortunately, the chlorine and bacteria in the water is most probably worsening your illness. Investing in a water filter jug will literally be the best decision you can make. Alternatively, bottled water will do! – just for now! 

On the subject of water, STAY HYDRATED! Water is your best friend (but don’t exceed the limit of course). 


A case of FOMO (aka, fear of missing out), can feel as bad as being ill. Unfortunately, if you go on a night out, you run the risk of worsening your illness, meaning it will last even longer. It’s okay to say no. Don’t believe the “you’ll be okay if you do a few shots”- trust me, you will not. Let your body rest, it will thank you in the long run. If you’re easily swayed, see it more as a pamper night. Play some music, have a shower/bath, do your skin care, meditate, watch Netflix. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that the next night out is right around the corner and it’s okay to miss this one! 

Written by: Shareena Emambocus

Edited by: Izzy Bailey

I study Law at University of Leeds. I love art, food and nights out lol. Constantly tired and I laugh at my own jokes 🤡