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Easy Halloween Make Up (On a Budget!)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Leeds chapter.

EASY Halloween Make Up on a Budget…

It’s Halloween and if you’ve left it a bit last minute on the costume front, do not fear cause we’ve got you covered. Here’s our very own step by step guide to the goriest Halloween make up..

What you’ll need:

From your bedroom:

  • Eyeshadow
  • Foundation
  • Cotton wool/ toilet paper

From the supermarket:

  • Liquid latex
  • Fake Blood

1. Using eyeliner, draw a rough line on your face where you’d like to divide it. One half will be all blood and gore, the other will be nice and made up.

2.  Using the liquid latex you bought at the shop, go over the eyeliner line, be fairly generous. While it’s still wet, build the cotton wool or toilet paper on to the latex this will act as your ‘peeling skin’ or scarring. Use the latex to make sure the edges of the padding are blended in to the skin as well as you can. 

3. Either wait for that to dry or use a hair dryer to speed it along. While you’re waiting for it ot dry, do your normal make up on the non scarred side of your face. 

4. When your scar is dry use your foundation, cover up the padding so it blends in with the rest of your skin. 

5. Start to gently peel up the side of that’s going to be your ‘broken’ or ‘underneath’ skin. When you’ve peeled it up make sure your make up is right in the gap so it’s all blended together. Use your purples/reds in your eyeshadow palette to create the affect of bruising around the peeled up skin. If you like, you can fill in this part of really pale with white face pain, or if you like, go for green. Whatever look you’re going for, just experiment. 

6. Now, for extra scarring you pretty much follow the same process again. So add a little latex, cover with padding then use your eyeshadow and fake blood to get as gory as you like, it doesn’t have to be particularly neat, just build it all up until it looks really bruised and scary. 

A good one, is adding a cut where your highlighter would usually go. When the padding is dry, cover with foundation, blend in to the skin and then cut in to the latex where you’d like to bleed from, fill the cut up with blood so it drips out and blend up your eyeshadows to create the bruising. Using black eyeshadow inside the cut makes it look much deeper. 

7. Use the same technique with the dark/black eyeshadow and the fake blood with the cut running down the middle of the face. 

8…Voila! The finished look, super easy and actually scary. 

When you’ve got the basics of using liquid latex then experiment and try some other, scarier, looks…


By Eden Mahon