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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.


“To the Ladies of Her Campus, I need a female perspective on an issue I’m having. I recently saw my girlfriend on snapchat getting humped by another guy on the dance floor. We agreed that when we party, dancing with others is okay but I felt like this was kind of over the top. Do I have a right to be mad?” 



Hmm. It sounds like you guys need to be more clear with your boundaries. Define what “dancing” is– how close can the person be? “Getting humped” definitley sounds like a boundary was crossed, so you definitley have a right to be annoyed. She may have not realized she was crossing a line, and you guys should work on your communication. Don’t end the relationship over it, but if it happens again, I’d say it’s a red flag. 

Boys, need anymore advice? Hit us up anonymously! 

Songwriter. Lover of music, food, and man buns.