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Finals Week, as told by Pitch Perfect

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

Pitch Perfect 2 is just around the corner, so what better way to celebrate than incorporating our fave movie into something as awful as finals week!

On the last day of classes, your Professor lets the class know that there will be no study guide for the test. :) :) :) :) 

And guess what? It’s cummulative. 

Then you complain to yourself/your friends about how evil your Professor is. 

Here’s a tip: Don’t complain to your friend who’s a genius, because when it comes to finals, shes all like: 

So then, you break out your textbook and notebooks and try to be productive. But then you start remembering embarassing moments from the past and repressed memories


Then you remember that cute someome from your class and wonder what they’re doing

It’s probably 2 a.m. and you decide that sleeping is way more important than school.

Your friends ask you if you actually studied/finished that paper. The answer is no, but you’re embarrassed so you make up an excuse. 

The next night, your friends ask you to come out with them, but you do the right thing and study instead.

You’ve been studying for hours on end, so you start getting irritable bec STRESS and even simple questions annoy you.

It took forever, but FINALLY, you finished that paper!

Now it’s the day of your final. You look at the first question and you don’t know the answer

You walk out of the test like:

You try to cheer yourself up by doing pointless things like The Cup Song.

Lastly, you hear grades are out. You practically check with one eye open and realize that you…


Just Kidding!! You probably failed. 


If this helped you procrastinate, I’ve done my job! 

Songwriter. Lover of music, food, and man buns.
Asiana Smith is a Communications Major with a concentration in Public Relations and a minor in Sociology.