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Fight of the Flirty Girl #3 – Pick Up Lines

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Le Moyne chapter.

“Do your feet hurt? Because you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
Do guys actually say things like this thinking they will work? Do they work? I’d like to think I’ve heard my fair share of pick up lines through the years, and I’m telling you right now only the best ones win. To all my girls out there, you know exactly what I mean.


Being flirty is one thing. Being flattering is another. Being stupid, well, sometimes I think guys do it just for their own entertainment. Don’t let stupid, vulgar, or disrespectful attempts at getting your number fool you. Keep your guard up for any “so where are you sleeping tonight?” or “even though you clearly have a full drink in your hand, mind if I buy you three more?” Guys can be smooth and sly, but their motivations may not be what you’re looking for.
Flattery is a deadly weapon. Ladies, just because a guy makes you blush and giggle does not mean you can wave your white flag of surrender just yet. We all like to hear good things about ourselves, it’s true. When it comes from a guy we’re attracted to, it’s even better. But don’t let it blind you. I’ve heard lines like “you have the most amazing eyes” and “you are just so beautiful” more times than my mother has nagged me to do the dishes. After a while, it gets old. Before it reaches that point, only genuine, heartfelt compliments deserve to make you smile. Flattery can be an easy in, but have the confidence in yourself to save your attention for the real, creative compliments.
Now don’t get me wrong, pick up lines can be fun and flirty. Coming from this flirty girl, rapid fire of witty and sarcastic back and forth banter is a good sign. If a guy can keep up, while managing to muster through my sarcastic nature, he already has my attention. He doesn’t need overly sexual tactics or lame attempts at flattery (unless of course the flattery is genuine). For girls who like to flirt, pick up lines can work as some of the best starting material. I’ve discovered that, if done properly, the exchange of lines and responses between two interested individuals is a great way to feel out what the other person is about.
So flirt. Have fun. Embrace the corny pick up lines, but watch out for the ones that have ulterior motives. Don’t let flattery sweep you off your feet before you’re dressed for the ball. I mean, aren’t you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see. 

Omairys, a born and raised New York City gal of the Dominican descent, is a motivated Communications/Advertising major, with a minor in English. She does not know what she will do with her Communications degree after graduation but is ambitious enough to hope it will be something promising, as this field has been her passion for as long as she could remember. She is actively involved on campus, as she is President of El Progreso, a multicultural organization that strives to raise awareness of the Latino community. She loves to travel: she has traveled to Kenya to work at The Nyumbani Program and will be interning at our nation's capital her senior year! She is hard working, and excited to bring change to her campus---Le Moyne.