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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Laurier Brantford chapter.

If you remember correctly, I chose to swear off dating in university and had cast dating apps aside. Now that everyone is self-isolating due to a certain virus that shall remain nameless in this article, I’ve decided that it’s time to get back in the dating game.

First, here’s a little information about my weapon of choice: the dating app. I have now once again downloaded two apps, Tinder and Bumble, and enjoy using them both. Interestingly, “almost half of the public knows someone who uses online dating or who has met a spouse or partner via online dating—and their attitudes towards online dating have grown progressively more positive” (Smith 2014). This optimistic outlook has grown quite a bit since 2005, according to Aaron Smith from Pew Research Center. This is interesting, but no real surprise; the majority of people I know have used or are currently using dating apps.

Additionally, it’s also interesting that “courtship, seduction and romantic love are complex phenomena that involve many genes and a multitude of social and cultural factors,” but many different dating apps still deliver the same, or similar, results. Giovanni Frazzetto wrote in The Science of Dating, “love is ambiguous, unpredictable and hardly respectful of laws.” I think that’s so true! Obviously, love is unpredictable, and that’s why I think I shouldn’t have been so quick to shrug off dating apps. Love can be found anywhere. Even on a smartphone application.

Now, despite my new optimistic view on dating and the apps that claim to make it easier, I have had zero dates. I have matched with well over 100 people and not a single one has worked its way into something worthwhile. It’s heartbreaking and yet, my heart remains in one piece. I have to remain positive because I really don’t want to be that bitter anti-dater I was at the beginning of the year.

Since my time rejoining the land of the dating, I have experienced some wild things. Though I haven’t been on any dates, I have seen my fair share of awfulness and been part of a number of awkward encounters. Tinder is the worst of my two apps for finding yourself in an uncomfortable situation, in my opinion, but Bumble isn’t much better. Both can be awful if you allow them to become awful. I personally try to have some fun on the apps. When I feel a conversation is going south, I feel the urge to make it into one big joke. I’ll speak only in quotes from a favourite movie or television show and it never fails to make me laugh like a maniac. I find myself constantly sending screenshots to my friends and my sister! I’m sure they love them as much as I do, and if they don’t, they can just keep it to themselves. 

I am certain that if I keep swiping and messaging and sending my best gifs, I will eventually be someone’s Tinderella. Until then, I am happy being the girl excited about the idea of potential love!


Meghan Cameron

Laurier Brantford '20

Meghan is a fourth-year Criminology student with a passion for writing. She enjoys tea, petting dogs, and thrift shopping. Meghan spends her days planning trips she can't yet afford and practicing her award show acceptance speech! Give her a follow on Instagram @megeghan_c for punny captions and too many selfies.