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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Laurier Brantford chapter.

As winter approaches, there are a ton of things to be excited for: comfy sweaters, holiday drinks at Starbucks, Christmas, Pillsbury cookies – I can go on and on! In the midst of the little happiness that we find in the season, we tend to not realize what’s happening around us. Homeless people are always the one thing on my mind during this time of year.

Many homeless people don’t have people to be with during this season, and they don’t have family they talk to, or a warm place to stay. Though shelters are an option, due to overcrowding and personal reasons, some people choose not to go to them. That being said, we can’t change the way someone chooses to live their life, and I’ve learned that the hard way. Still, there are several things I’d like to remind you of that we can do to help one another this winter.

I used to hold the mindset that these people got themselves into their situation, and that they don’t deserve our help. I still deal with a lot of people that think this way and that’s completely fine, but I’ve had experiences recently that have taught me that life’s about more than judging someone for their actions and that at the end of the day, you lose nothing from being kind to someone. Hunger is a huge factor we can all relate to – I can barely function later than 11:00 AM without having a bite to eat. It only puts things into perspective for the people who suffer with having little to no options of food to eat. The uncertainty these individuals experience when it comes to having a meal every day is indescribable, and no one should ever have to go through that. 

It’s the little things that matter. We can offer food or a warm drink when we see people who are struggling. Deciding not to donate money is understandable, but a kind gesture like offering a hot beverage or sandwich will go a long way and help to ease the pain of an individual. With the cold weather upon us, if you see someone on the streets, please call 311. It directs to a non-emergency line that deals with these situations, and these individuals will receive a temporary solution to keep them warm! Finally, and most importantly, be kind. Holidays are hard without our loved ones while having to deal with the hardships, so the least we can do is spread kindness to one another by helping to carry the burden on those around us. 

Jennany Thillairajan

Laurier Brantford '20

Laurier Brantford :)