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Anna Schultz-Girl On Computer Stress
Anna Schultz-Girl On Computer Stress
Anna Schultz / Her Campus

Why You Should Not Overcommit in Your Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

When we find ourselves saying “I’m so busy” or “I do not have time” we should take a step back and reflect on what we are actually spending our time on and if it is worth it. Everyone has the same twenty-four hours in a day. It is all about how we prioritize and how we manage time, but we do not want to overcommit to too many priorities because burn out is real.  We have all been there before, you could be in that place right now. However, burning ourselves out with too much on our plate does not benefit anyone. When we are burnt out, we are not going to do things to our best ability. This can result in missing deadlines, skipping out on plans with friends, skipping out on self-care time, getting sick, and not turning in our best work. In society today, there is this big hype around “hustling,” but if we are not taking care of our mind and body, we are going to fail. 

Here are some tips on how to not overcommit in your schedule. 

1. Time Blocking

Time blocking helps people get everything on their checklist done and helps them see what they actually have time for. It also helps us make sure we have some me-time in our schedule. 

2. Self Care Time

Make sure to have time for yourself in your schedule to stay sane. Whether that is going to the gym, making a healthy meal, or having a face mask and movie night. Me time by yourself is just as important as friend time and social time. Always make sure you have time for friends and family too. 

3. Do What Makes You Happy

This can be a tricky one because we all get stuck in either a job we do not like or a class we do not like from time to time. However, only spend time with people outside of those situations that make you happy and only sign up for extracurriculars in your free time that make you happy. 

    Hope these tips help! It is easy to get caught up in a busy lifestyle and it is good to be productive. However, staying sane is more important!

Emalee is a Senior at Lasell University and the President of Her Campus Lasell. She is currently a Campus Community Management Intern for Her Campus! She is a Fashion Merchandising and Management major and a Communications minor. Besides Her Campus, she is the President of Newman Society, loves taking photos, going for hikes, and going to the beach.