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Online Class Tips and Tricks You Need Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Online classes and learning can be very challenging. Having a lot of my classes be online the past two semesters, I have found a lot of things that have helped me to be the best student. Here are some of my tips and tricks, for an awesome online semester.


1. Do class somewhere other than your bed

As hard as it may seem, especially with dorms being small, I definitely recommend trying to do online classes somewhere other than your bed. This has not only helped my academic success, but also my sleep habits! I know my bed is where I sleep and watch Netflix, so it creates a good routine.

2. Put yourself together

While one perk of being online is definitely being able to stay in your pajamas all day, change up your outfit. Put on your nicest set of loungewear! My go-to online outfit has been a comfortable sweater, jeans, and slipper socks! I still feel put together, but the comfort of the socks is a cozy bonus. Add some makeup to make yourself feel extra confident and ready. 

3. Have all your school essentials ready and organized

This can honestly make or break a study session or online class. Have everything all together, and organized before class. The extra five minutes is totally worth it. Nothing is more offsetting than having to run across your room to locate something you need for class.

4. Have drinks ready

One of my go tos for the class is seltzer. It’s healthy, yet I can change up the flavors for it to not be boring. These can be key for staying engaged during a long lecture. It’s also good to keep your body hydrated!

5. Add in movement breaks to your schedule

This has been key for me. With online classes, you’re taking away that walk to and from class as well! Find easy ways to add it in! Sometimes this is just going for a small walk in my neighborhood between classes, or even jumping on the treadmill for 5 to 10 minutes to move my body in between. It doesn’t have to be anything crazy or fancy, but definitely get up, move your muscles, and stretch!

Rose Keane

Lasell '23

Rose is a sophomore psychology student at Lasell University. Outside from school, she can be found at the mall shopping, hiking, working, or spending time with her animals.