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Keep Your Mind and Body Sane This Finals Season with These Healthy Snacks

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

*UGH* Finals. Talk about a stress overload!  Time for all-nighters, crash courses, and lots and lots of caffeine.  We get your overwhelmed, but we got your back.

 HC Lasell here to provide you with all of our tried and true advice to stay healthy- mentally, physically, and emotionally this semester. Get ready to absolutely CRUSH those exams!

Finals can be stressful and it is very easy to just want all the unhealthy foods while being stressed. It is important to not only take care of your mind during finals but also your body. Everyone’s definition of healthy is different, but here are some healthy snacks for finals week!

1. Dried Fruit

Some great ones are mangoes, apricots, and apples. There is still the sweetness of the fruit, and the fruit does not go bad fast. They almost taste like candy, but they are healthy! 

2. Apples

Apples are also healthy, yet sweet. There are also studies that show apples help people focus. So, having an apple while studying is not a bad idea. Apples are also filled with so many antioxidants and dietary fiber that make them great. 

3. Carrots and Humus

Having this is almost like having chips and dip. It tricks the mind into having something crunchy.

4. Trail Mix

This is easy to make with different snacks already in your cabinet or can buy a premade one.

5. Yogurt and Granola

This can be a healthy breakfast or a healthy snack.

6. Green/ Peppermint Tea 

Green or peppermint tea is a great healthy drink for helping relax during finals week.

7. Graham Crackers and Peanut Butter

    Need something sweet? This is a great simple treat that is still semi-healthy. 

8. Almonds

Any nuts are a great snack to munch and can have a good source of protein in them. Unsalted options are even healthier. 

9. Veggies and Ranch

This is a similar idea to veggies and hummus. The brain thinks it is having something crunchy like chips and dip. 

10. Cheese and Crackers

No need to go all out and fancy and make one of those fancy cheese boards everyone has been posting on Instagram. You can just have a simple and healthy snack. 

11. Yogurt Covered Berries

Another dried fruit and sweet option. Just hard not to eat the whole bag. 

12. Unbuttered Popcorn

Another semi-healthy option that does the trick and it is better than having chips.

It is important to fuel your body with healthy food as you fuel your mind during finals. This is for finals week, but it is also not a bad idea to keep healthy snacks around. If you do not have unhealthy snacks around, you are less likely to eat them. Do not get me wrong, it is not a bad thing to have some of your favorites here and there, but it is not a bad idea to keep healthy snacks around all the time. 

Emalee is a Senior at Lasell University and the President of Her Campus Lasell. She is currently a Campus Community Management Intern for Her Campus! She is a Fashion Merchandising and Management major and a Communications minor. Besides Her Campus, she is the President of Newman Society, loves taking photos, going for hikes, and going to the beach.