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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

The fashion industry is the second most polluting industry in the world, just after the oil industry. The process of upcycling, or recycling unused clothing and turning them into brand new pieces, has the potential to change this for the better. Keep reading to discover the benefits of upcycling in the fashion industry!

  • It’s better for the environment
    • Some materials used to make clothing have dangerous chemicals that will lead to soil degradation and air pollution. By using the materials we already have to create new clothes, the need for new materials is drastically reduced. This means that we’re creating less waste that typically leads to water pollution, landfills, and greenhouse emissions. 
  • It allows for creativity
    • Many clothing items today are made in bulk and everyone has the same thing. By upcycling, pieces are unique and more customizable to what you want. Upcycling also provides designers a fun new challenge to use their creative eye and create trendy pieces. 

Upcycling stops adding extra materials to a world that is already overwhelmed with stuff! There’s not enough room for everything we do have on the planet, so why continue to add more? Upcycle your old clothes and turn them into something special and personalized to you! By being innovative, we can reuse materials that may have otherwise ended up in a landfill, polluting the Earth. Make a difference today by giving your old clothes a new life!

Alexis Grant

Lasell '23

A Junior at Lasell University, Alexis majors in Journalism and Media Writing with a minor in Fashion Media and Marketing. Alexis is interested in dance, photography, social media, travel, and music. In her free time, she enjoys binge-watching her favorite tv shows on Netflix and spending time with her friends and family!