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5 Foods to Reduce Your Stress Levels

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

It’s no wonder that one of the first things that people especially college students do when they’re stressed is eat. Next time you’re stressed, before you reach for the pizza bites try one of these stress-reducing foods.



Blueberries contain anthocyanins, which release dopamine to help relax your mood and reduce your stress.


2. Dark Chocolate-

Good news, chocolate is good for you! Dark chocolate has been shown in studies to reduce the levels of cortisol, which can cause high stress.


3. Turkey-

Do you know how when you eat too much turkey on Thanksgiving, you start to feel sleepy? Well, this is because turkey contains tryptophan. This helps to increase the body’s magnesium levels, which in turn helps reduce anxiety symptoms.


4. Cashews-

Low levels of zinc in the body have been linked to high stress levels and anxiety, but cashews contain zinc and can help raise the amount in your body.


5. Oatmeal-

While also being considered a comfort food, oatmeal also makes the brain produce serotonin, a feel-good chemical.


Want more ways and recipes to help de-stress your life? Visit Her Campus Lasell’s Pinterest board on how to de-stress.


All photos in this article are courtesy of pixabay.com


Elizabeth is a Senior at Lasell College, she is a writer and President for the Lasell Her Campus chapter.