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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

Since my hair has finally grown to a longer length and the braid has been given the go ahead for this season, I have decided to experiment with a new hair style. This particular braid is quick and easy to create, plus it’s a little bit different to what you normally see out and about. However, for those with short hair, you may have to wait a while before you can achieve this look! Here’s my step- by- step guide on how to achieve this hairstyle: 

1)      Pin back the front sections of your hair so that your ears are on show.


2)      Take a small piece of hair from by your ear and do a regular 3-strand braid. Secure with a hair elastic.


3)      Do the same on the other side so that you have two thin plaits by both of your ears.


4)      Next, take one of your braids and cross it over your head just like a hairband. Secure behind your ear with a couple of hair grips.


5)      Repeat with the other braid so that you have a 2-braid hairband over your head.


6)      Unclip the sections of hair that you originally pinned back so that the ends of your braids aren’t visible.

Et voila! That is how you create a halo braid. Once you get the hang of it, it’s super easy to achieve and can be worn either day to day or in the evening to jazz things up a bit!

My name is Hannah Hobson and I am currently studying English Language at Lancaster University with an ambition to become a fashion journalist.