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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

Trains. You either love ‘em or hate ‘em. Living away from home at university certainly means that you’ll have to come in contact with them at some point, whether it’s to venture elsewhere or visit home. Being a home-bird, I like to go home every other weekend to see my family and indulge in those home comforts and I can tell you now, not once has my train been on time. Don’t get me wrong, train delays can sometimes work in your favour if you’re running late but 99% of the time, you end up stranded at the station waiting. And waiting. And waiting…

So, the last time my train was delayed, I came up with a list of things to keep me vaguely amused instead of just staring into the train-less void. Here’s to hoping that these will help some of you pass the time:

1). University Work

Yeah, sure, not the most entertaining thing to do but if you’re going home for the weekend, you ideally don’t want loads of work to be your main focus. If you have any work on you, then now is a good time to get it done (providing you don’t need a whole library of books).

2). Listen to music

Whether it’s on an iPod, your phone or a tablet, you’re bound to have some form of music with you, so listen to it! Even though you aren’t actively doing something, it at least takes your mind off the ticking clock and fills it with something you can actually enjoy.

3). Read a book

Like to immerse yourself in a book? Good! There’s usually a nearby WHSmiths in a train station, so go ahead and choose a new book as a treat, you deserve it!

4). Coffee Shop

Stations normally hold a coffee shop or two and they’re a great, cosy place to retreat to. Whether you go for a latte, a hot chocolate or a cheeky brownie (or two), this is sure to lift your spirits!

5). Sherlock

Yup, this is a random one but you can play a game that I like to call “Sherlock” which is where you guess what different people are like. What’s their job? Where are they going? You get the idea, just don’t stare at them too hard, they may realise and that’s an awkward situation to be in!

6). Doodle

Got a scrap piece of paper? Brilliant! This is going to be your canvas for the next half an hour, get doodling!

My name is Hannah Hobson and I am currently studying English Language at Lancaster University with an ambition to become a fashion journalist.