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5 Reasons Why Martial Arts Is For You

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lancaster chapter.

Martial arts runs in my family. My dad trained with his brothers when they were younger, and continues to do so now. My brother has been kickboxing for six years and I’ve trained in jujitsu, kickboxing, and Thai boxing.

The term “martial arts” is a broad one, covering every form of self-defence and attack from karate to kendo, from boxing to Brazilian jiu-jitsu.  Each style is different from the other, yet each one offers so many advantages that I’m always surprised by how other sports seem to be so much more popular.  In fact, I can remember a teacher of mine point-blank refusing to investigate the possibility of hiring a martial arts instructor when I asked the question in high school. 

It seems to me that many people see the drawbacks of martial arts before they see the benefits.  So, without further ado, here are five reasons why you should be practicing martial arts:

1. It’s great way to keep fit

Obviously this goes for most sports.  You aren’t going to excel at any one of them without having some level of physical fitness.  Martial arts is no different. 

What I find to be unique about martial arts however, is the variety of skills you get to practice.  You can build muscle, increase your stamina and endurance, improve your reflexes, and burn calories.  In other words: You must be as swift as the coursing river/With all the force of a great typhoon…

2. Stress?  What stress?

You know the feeling: you’ve got deadlines coming out of your ears, you’re surviving on random naps here and there, and this month’s existential crisis hit you hard.  I’m not about to suggest that an hour of kickboxing will give you all the answers, but when you’re concentrating on your moves, there’s no room for anything else to interfere with your focus.  I guarantee: when you’re blocking punches you’ll forget to worry about anything else. 

And let’s not forget swinging punches of your own.  Always a good way to let the tension out.

3. It’s all about discipline

There’s a common misconception that practicing martial arts encourages aggressive and violent behaviour.  However, anyone who has trained in any form of martial art knows that this isn’t the case: in fact it’s just the opposite. 

While there are some people that may go in just looking for a fight, they are the ones who learn the fastest that this approach just doesn’t work.  Too much aggression breeds carelessness, and carelessness breeds a punch in the face.  In a martial arts class, not only will you learn to channel your frustrations, you’ll also learn the value of keeping a clear head.

4. Building your confidence

This isn’t going to happen overnight.  You won’t wake up the next morning chock full of self-esteem and ready to take on the whole world with your fabulous new self.  But little by little, you’ll start to see a change. 

It will be different for everyone.  Maybe you’ll start holding your head a little higher when you walk, or maybe you’ll just start to feel better about your body. Either way, when you know the power and set of skills that you have no one can take that away from you.

5. Be the badass of your dreams

Basketball, tennis, cheerleading…all of them have their merits.  But with martial arts skills under your belt, you know you can always defend yourself should the need arise.  That’s not something everyone can say, and a damn good reason to be proud of yourself.

Plus: your mates will be well impressed.