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Girls Pumpkins
Breanna Coon / Her Campus
Wellness > Mental Health

How to Stay Sane During a Virtual Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

Having a virtual fall semester has been an unexpected and boring turn for most of us. If you weren’t able to move  on campus, then you have been stuck at home for weeks like me. By now, all of your friends have gone back to school, and you’re all alone in your childhood bedroom. So, how can you make this semester even a little bit more exciting? I’ve got some ideas for you.


Pick up a new hobby.

While in quarantine, I’ve gotten creative with the extreme amount of extra free time I have. I’ve tried sewing, I’ve become a baker, I’ve tried to teach myself piano, and I’ve embroidered and bleached every pair of jeans I have. All of these things have given me necessary distractions to make it through. You can use Pinterest to find more ideas, like starting a garden or painting. The great news is, if you hate it, you can always ditch it and try something new!


Make Plans with a Friend.

Since most of us are at home, now would be a perfect time to check out where your friends from Lafayette live. Make plans to meet up somewhere, take each other on a tour of your favorite sites from where you grew up, grab a cup of coffee at the place you went to throughout high school . Of course, be sure to wear masks and socially distance from others. This is a perfect way to make memories off campus and get out of your house.


Start Doing Fall Activities

I find fall to be the most soothing season . I’ve already started lighting pumpkin candles in my room and drinking pumpkin-flavored beverages to ease the stress of classes. It’s never too early to start enjoying the features of autumn! Once the leaves start to fall, you can enjoy the scenery and go on walks with your family or go to a farm to get pumpkins to carve for Halloween. Or even watch a scary movie or decorate the exterior of your house with cobwebs!


Lastly, take time for yourself.

Let yourself stray from the academic pressure that is put on you all week. Take a self-care day, meditate, watch Netflix, sleep in until 2 p.m. — whatever you have to do to ensure that you’re taking care of yourself and your mental health. This pandemic has been tough on everyone for countless reasons; don’t overwhelm yourself with any more than you need to.



Spend this semester however you want, and when you can, try to make things a little more fun! Remember, we’re all going through this together!






Alex Hillenbrand

Lafayette '23

Layla Ennis

Lafayette '23

Junior at Lafayette College