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The Best Halloweekend Costumes for Any College Girl

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lafayette chapter.

At last, it’s October! This means that it’s time to queue Monster Mash by Bobby Pickett & The Crypt-Kickers! Whether you’re the girl that count the days down until Halloween or forget what day it falls on every year, we’ve got your back. Instead of wearing the typical black cat costume for the fourth year in a row, here are some perfect costume ideas catered toward you:


Ms. Trendsetter: You dish out fashion tips or the latest pop-culture updates like it’s your job, embrace it.

Hailey Baldwin – Ever since her relationship with Bieber began, “That Should Be Me” plays in our minds whenever she’s spotted effortlessly running errands in yet another trendy outfit. Pull out all the stops and wear the most fashionable Hailey costume this coming Halloweekend. You have plenty of options ranging from a simple-chic “varsity jacket” to a high-class dress to a statement pants look. And always remember your shades for the paparazzi.


Billie Eilish – If you’ve ever wanted an excuse to wear a platinum blonde wig, now’s your time. Show off your favorite baggy joggers with an oversized puffy jacket or XXL t-shirt and you’re the new Billie. Props to you if you can master the iconic Eilish pout/RBF face for the gram.


Lady Bird – Lady Bird rocks the angsty teen look any day, and you can too! Scavenge through a thrift store or your wardrobe to find any early 2000’s pieces, a military jacket, flats or just wear an old school uniform. Lastly, temporary pink hair dye is the signature part of her look; maybe even tell your friends it’s permanent and see their reaction.


The Procrastinator: Yes, we’re talking to you. The one that always seems to order their costume a little too late because they forget Halloween is still a thing in college.

Average Joes – If you don’t take Halloween too seriously and just want to throw on a comfy tee and call it a day, this costume idea is calling your name. Get two-day shipping with Amazon Prime and then you’ve got your one essential costume piece. Put on your favorite pair of athletic shorts and sneakers, and you’re out the door (and ready to hit Kirby).


Greek Goddess – Still own those metallic clothing articles from a themed party? Put them to use (or just wear an all-white outfit) with some gold accessories, or get crafty with your own DIY toga project by using sheets or fabrics you no longer need. Go all out with shimmery makeup and don’t forget the body glitter!


Genie – Sometimes you gotta take what you can get when you’ve procrastinated your costume. Order a $5 genie lamp off Amazon to be able to grant people three magic wishes. Also, rock a denim-on-denim combo to get the true “Jeanie” look. Congratulations, you’re the most clever girl on the block.


Netflix Fanatic:Yet another friend tries to recommend a new TV show. Too bad you’ve already watched them all.

“Glow” character – Wear a bold leotard/bodysuit to bring you back to your ballet days. Tease or curl your hair, the bigger the better. Be ready to show off your best faux-wrestling moves and flex those guns.


Lara Jean from “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before”– None of us would ever want to be in Lara Jean’s position: having all our secret love letters sent out to our past crushes. But we must admit, Lara has plenty of cute outfits while she went through the ups and downs of this movie. Stripes, a bomber, overalls, a romper, fun sneakers, the list goes on. We can’t forget her go-to high ponytail. Pick any of her outfits and add them to your own wardrobe after Halloweekend!


“Orange Is The New Black” inmate – Orange is no one’s color, but I think we can agree OITNB is everyone’s show. From the witty banter to the iconic character dynamics, you won’t be able to resist reciting your favorite lines even in your intimate costume. Try out some temporary tattoos to spice things up.


Funky and Fresh: You were probably voted “most extra” out of everyone in your friend group.

Soccer Mom – Do you avidly attend book club, drive a minivan and love spin classes? Congrats you’re already a soccer mom. Search your local thrift store for a vintage sports jersey to pair with mom jeans or yoga pants. If you’re feeling bold, try a tracksuit, typical mom bob cut and some oversized sunnies. Make some cookies for the team and wear a stylish fanny pack for all those first-aid essentials (it’ll come in handy for touching up makeup).


Gold Digger – If you like living the finest life possible, the easiest way possible, here you have it folks: you’re a gold digger for Halloween. Opt for a hard hat and toy shovel with any gold accessories, nail polish or clothing articles you own. And if you’re really feeling like ballin’ out, invest in some gold chains and convince a friend to dress as your sugar daddy.


In the end, we’re all sweaty and gross by the end of the night, who really cares what your costume was? A holiday that only comes once the year isn’t worth breaking the bank for. Try raiding your friend’s closets and switching costumes on different nights. Don’t take your costume too seriously, it’s not Deal or No Deal, there’s no prize. Just keep in mind: you’re never too old to go trick-or-treating, and there’s always next year.

Huge bagels and Soundcloud enthusiast.
Krystyna Keller

Lafayette '21

Creating things since '98 Campus Correspondent for HC Lafayette