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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

So let’s talk about dating in college/dating in general and let’s keep it real. What do we think of it now and do we have time for it?

To be quite honest, having a social life overall is hard to do while being a full time student, having extra curriculars, internships, work, etc. How do students manage to do all this and still have time to date? How do we put ourselves “out there” without having to go out to a ton of places to meet people? Sure we have social media, but technology has become so advanced we have these thing called…….DATING APPS. Do these have a positive or negative reputation?  Some people might argue that these dating apps are only used for booty calls, but should that have such a negative connotation? I guess the beauty of this is that with a click of a button you can have yourself a one night stand. If that’s what you’re looking for, then great! But also, dating apps are also great for those with a busy life who don’t have time to meet people at a coffee shop, bar, etc. and are looking for something serious. One can argue that sex/kissing isn’t special anymore, but one can also argue that that’s great for people who just want that sexual chemistry without having to get into serious commitment. How do we distinguish who wants what in the online world of dating? COMMUNICATION.  That’s just something to consider in dating someone overall or shall I say “talking?” What does the “talking” stage even mean? Like SIS COME ON NOW…. is the talking stage like some sort of pre-stage in dating? This is just one of the problems I personally see with dating today. So what is it called when you’re dating someone but you don’t know if they also think you guys are dating, the talking stage? If you’re talking to someone, are you allowed to “talk” to other people? What are the restrictions of “talking?” I feel that today, a lot of people are just a little scared of labels. There’s just a lot of miscommunication which can lead to being lead on, words left unsaid, emotions running wild. I just feel that people in general need to be more straight up in saying what they want rather than beating around the bush. 

To make this article a little bit more personal, I will share my experience. I recently decided to make a Bumble. What is a Bumble you ask? Bumble is an online dating app pretty similar to Tinder, but when you get a match the woman has to message first. I’m not going to lie, I was a little hesitant at first in making this but thought to myself, f it what do I have to lose? Long story short, I was messaging this guy Rick* for a little while, got to know a little bit about one another, and decided to meet. He is/was the first person I met with from this app. I guess you can say our first meet up was not your “typical” meet up. So let me just break it down how it went: he picked me up on campus, had my favorite beer waiting for me, went to a Dodger playoff game, and went out to eat afterwards. I went into this with an open mind and ended up having a great time. The point of my experience is: you never know what can essentially blossom, whether it’s potentially finding “the one” or having a hilarious horror story to tell your roommates. With that being said, keep a open mind and let me know if you want to share your opinion with me about dating! 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and stay tuned for more Wine about it w/Karla! If there are any topics you want to hear from me, nothing is off limits! Message me on Instagram.


Karla Navarro


*= name changed for confidentiality reasons. 


Karla Navarro

La Verne '19

Hmm a little bit about me? 22 year old senior at the University of La Verne. Psychology major, aspiring MFT.