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Wine about it w/Karla: Body Count, Does it matter?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

Welcome to another segment of Wine about it w/Karla! Today, our topic is body count!

We’re going to get right into it and discuss whether people care for body count. Maybe some of you are wondering: what is body count?

Body count is just simply the number of people you have slept with. I have just personally always became curious whether people actually care for this, is this a factor in dating someone, would someone simply stop dating someone if they find out that the person they are dating has a significantly “high” number?

To make this a little bit more interesting, I asked people on Snapchat to send me their opinions so I am going to quote a few opinions on here. Surprisingly, I had a lot of guys give me their opinion, which is a great thing! 


No It shouldn’t matter what your body count is, if your significant other really is your significant other then that shouldn’t bother you, yes you can tell them how many but it’s the past and it should stay in the past, you’re in the present and should be worried about your future with that person. Everyone has sex and it’s a natural thing to do, if they get bothered by it then they’re not the one. People are just so stuck where you’re a hoe if you have sex with multiple people or you’re a player.” -Male. 
“If they have a big body count, I somewhat look at them differently and I am very skeptical towards them and their intentions.” -Female.
“I don’t care as long as they are honest about the number, if I ask.” -Male.


I was surprised to see the many opinions that people had about this topic. To me personally, I don’t care as long as they are honest about it and safe. Safe sex is something I’d like to talk about in the future, but if they sleep with 100 people or 5 people that shouldn’t matter as long as like I said, they are honest and safe about it.

Sex is something where you experiment, know what you do and don’t like in the bedroom, and try new things!  Whether it’s casual sex or sex with your significant other, sexual chemistry plays an important role. How is a Woman/Man supposed to know what feels pleasurable, what to do, where to go if they haven’t tried it out? I am very sex positive, so if you have slept with 1 person or 13435346 people, embrace it!

To keep it even more personal with the readers, my body count is a single digit, however, I still consider myself extremely inexperienced. I couldn’t even tell you what I like in the bedroom, because I simply don’t even know yet.

So what are your thoughts about it? Feel free to DM on instagram: its.karla.navarro and let me know!


Thank you for reading this segment on Wine about it w/Karla, xx.

Karla Navarro

La Verne '19

Hmm a little bit about me? 22 year old senior at the University of La Verne. Psychology major, aspiring MFT.