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Why I Decided to Join Her Campus as a Child Development Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.


When I first heard about Her Campus through my suitemate, I was hesitant on joining due to the fact that I was not studying anything related to journalism and media, being that I didn’t think I was a natural writer. I’m not gifted in words, and as much as I want to explain/express my passion for something, my words come out as one big jumbled pile. But that didn’t put me at a complete “no”.

So, what made my mind think of the partial, potential “yes”? Buzzfeed. I go on Buzzfeed everyday, use my time just going through all the blog posts/articles on it, while sometimes talking to myself saying “so true”, or “that’s me!” To be, Her Campus is somewhat like Buzzfeed. With that in mind I thought, “Wow, it would be fun to be like one of the Buzzfeed bloggers!” I think the “yes” in me was stronger than the “no” (obviously, because here I am writing today).

It was during the semester where I was just focusing on school this, and school that, that I found Her Campus to be an opportunity for me to take a break from my academic works. I got to write about random, funny, and relatable things. It was free flowing, it was personal, it was fun, and it was for pure enjoyment of the readers. No grades, no percentages, no “rules.”

I loved being part of Her Campus during my first semester that I decided to join again this year. Of course, this wouldn’t be going on my resume because it would have no beneficial effect whatsoever, but Her Campus is something I enjoy being a part of. The people I work with are amazing and the ideas that are brought up during our meetings are fun to discuss.

I think that being a part of Her Campus means that there needs to be some type of creativity spark within a person. I personally think my creativity level is at the lowest. When we are all pitching ideas for the upcoming week’s deadlines, I get challenged to think of new possible articles to write about, and that people would want to read. With the challenge, I feel like I’m expanding my creative space/thoughts.

Heidi Park is a junior at University of La Verne majoring in Child Development, specializing in Speech Therapy. This is her second year being part of the Her Campus team and has taken the role as Secretary, Blog Editor, and Snapshot Editor. Heidi is currently working in BUSD as a co-teacher, and as a behavior interventionist for ACT. She likes to de-stress by cooking, cleaning, reading, and watching Netflix. In her free time she likes to people watch at Starbucks (or really, anywhere), snack/eat until she is guiltily full, and hang out with the ones she loves. At first glance she may seem/look intimidating but once you get to know her she is a soft marshmallow (especially for dogs, cats, and babies).