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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

Thanksgiving is a holiday that most Americans hold dear to the heart. Whether it be because of reuniting with their family members or they just love the food, there’s something about this day where people are most happy. I used to have a lot of family traditions that we’d do on this day, but after my parents divorced and the family moved away, I ended up spending a few years alone on this day. After a while, it ended up becoming my least favorite holiday, and although I for one still do not enjoy this day, I have created the traditions that I do every year now.   


1. Having divorced parents makes it hard when choosing which family I’ll be seeing on this day. I for one like to spend this it with both sides. Usually, in the morning I’ll wake up and spend most of the time cooking with my mom and baking a pumpkin pie. Then the afternoon is when I’ll see my dad and spend time eating together. He recently got married, so I now eat with him, My step-mom, and my three step-brothers. 

2. After hanging out with both sides, I’ll go over to my friend Victoria’s house, and we will get ready to go Black Friday shopping. Black Friday for us is done very differently. We do not do the usual shopping around looking for any deals we can make on products or clothing. We hit up our least favorite mall in our small hometown, get some Wetzel pretzels, and walk around judging the horrible stores they have and the so-called deals they are having. Then we will hang out and catch up on anything we’ve missed during the semester. 

3. Lastly, before I go to sleep I warm up the pumpkin pie I made earlier, turn on the tv and play the best Thanksgiving to ever exist aka Gossip Girl Season 3 Episode 11. Something about the families coming together and having a horrible day because of the drama happening and the music in the background makes me want to end my least favorite holiday with the characters I grew up loving. Something about the scene also made it retable because of how crazy my family functions can get nowadays.



Through the traditions I have created I have found a way to make my least favorite Holiday somehow work and sometimes enjoyable. 

Until next time fans,


John Ceja (Blair Waldorf)

John Ceja

La Verne '20

Just a boy who is in love with the world.