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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

My name is Isabella Torres, and I am 19 years old. I attend the University of La Verne, and I major in Broadcasting with an emphasis in film and television.

If I were to ask most of my friends a word that describes me, most of them would say creative if I asked my family, they would say outgoing–but for me I consider both aspects to be essential characteristics in my life. Growing up, I was never much into sports; I never understood soccer of why the coach would yell at me when I picked the most beautiful flower in the midst of a game. My parents soon found that maybe sports was not my calling, so they put me in all things to see if I could find something I gravitate towards. I bounced between several dance classes, karate, painting, sketching, gymnastics, and piano.

It wasn’t till my father put me in one of his Sketchers commercials did I get a taste for the limelight, and my love for acting sparked a never-ending flame of desire to pursue this dream. I soon found my passion for the arts and being on stage, the rush of adrenaline going through my body as the applause drowned out the feeling of butterflies in my stomach. I spent 90% of my time inside the theater consumed with fantasy worlds and inside a writer’s mind all the while ignoring my own.

It wasn’t till I was older did I entirely started to grasp that people like to hear what I have to say and so I dove deeper into my thoughts, feelings, and imagination which I found to be a way to form relationships with others and their emotions. I loved to create stories, so I combined both my knowledge of writing and theater to evoke feelings of others through video production. I saw that I was able to connect with others on an emotional level doing what I love. I was able to combine the love I have and connection for others and my creativity to give a glimpse inside my mind.