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21 Ways ULV Makes Dating Awkward

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at La Verne chapter.

You know that horrible moment when you do something awkward in front of your crush and you want to die? At a normal sized university, you wouldn’t have to worry about redeeming yourself, because you’d probably never see them again. At ULV, you’re pretty much destined to see them… every single day. Here are 21 ways that La Verne messes with your dating life:

1. When you check someone out from your cubicle in the library and they look up and make eye contact with you. 

2. Walking in on your ex while they are on a date with someone else. 

3.Hooking up with someone at a party and seeing them. Everywhere.

4. When you run into your crush and you just stand there like…

5.When you see someone and immediately go to stalk them on Facebook because you know you can find them in like two clicks. Or they can find you.

6.Your crush is never a mystery. Ever.

7. Flirting with someone and then finding out they have dated all your friends.

8. Running out of ways to turn down DP dates…

9.When every conversation starts with “So ive seen you around…”

10. Dating two different guys and then finding out they are roommates.

11. When you break up with someone and the whole school takes sides.

12. When you get WAYYYY TOO EXCITED for the new freshmen.

13. Flirting with someone at Coffeeberry or In-N-Out and finding out they are actually from Bonita High School.

14. When your idea of a date is grabbing gross coffee at Barb’s. 

15. Going on one date with someone and then the whole school thinks you are in a serious relationship.

16. Going to a party to meet new people but then realizing you already know EVERYONE.

17. Finding out that cute guy you saw all the time last year is your new RA.

18. When someone tells you they are not interested and then the next week they have a girlfriend.

19. Dating four different people from the same Greek organization. 

20. When its a new semester and all your classmates are girls because of the gender ratio (unless youre into that, in which case, YESSSS!)

21. But if dating in La Verne does work out for you, then seeing them will never be a problem because they are only a five minute walk away.

Image Source: http://www.someecards.com/usercards/viewcard/MjAxMi0wMGFlMjU4NmY3NWI2YWIw







~Journalist//Musician//Coffee Addict~Alison Rodriguez is a journalism major at the University of La Verne in Southern California. She is the Celebrity Editor for Her Campus at La Verne and  has written for publications such as ULV's Campus Times and La Verne Magazine. Alison is a member of Iota Delta Sorority and is also a part-time customer service representative at the Rose Bowl as well as a barista at Coffeeberry."Creativity is a passion, writing is a means of expression."