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What It Feels Like To Be The Only Black Person In A Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

On the first day of classes I’m usually running through the maze of Old Main trying to find my classroom. Headphones blasting, I’m on a mission. Once I find the room with about 3 minutes to spare I locate the perfect seat available. It’s usually somewhere in the front but on the far end on the row. When I’m finally seated I scan the room. I look at every face searching and hoping to hit a pair of deep brown eyes with a shade of melanin that resembles my own. Calmly scanning for another Black person and if I find one a feeling of comfort washes over me. I’d probably never utter a word to them for the entire semester but knowing that they’re there comforts me.

I attend a PWI (Predominantly White Institution) and because of that I’m not always successful in my search. If I can’t find a reflection of me in class I think that all eyes are on me. I imagine a rainbow of irises glaring in my direction and questioning my presence at the university. In turn I get nervous to answer questions, fearing that people are judging my answers. Please forbid that politics or race become the topic of discussion because in that moment I feel like I have to be the spokesperson for all Black people, and if I don’t speak up then I’m doing an injustice.

It’s complicated and as much as I don’t regret coming to Kutztown University– I’ve met some of my best friends here– I just wonder how life would be if I didn’t have to scan the classroom. If I didn’t have to worry if someone was judging my intelligence based off my skin.

I would love to end this article with a way for this feeling to go away, but as of right now I don’t have one. However, I wanted to voice this just in case anyone reading this can empathize.Though I do go through these things internally I never let it show. I push all that down and I don’t let it stop me from getting what I paid for or discourage my performance in class. I try as hard as I can, speak out when I feel the need to and consume as much knowledge as possible.