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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Now that we’re all past the Halloween weekend and all that it entails (the parties, the candy, the various creatively-named drinks), we have officially entered the two month danger-zone referred to as the “holiday weight gain” season (*insert dramatic sound effect here*). I know, the dreaded time of year where beach body can go straight to beached-whale body. But in reality, does anyone really care?

For some, this may be hard to believe, but everyone likes food. And in this glorious holiday-filled, celebration-loving period of time we have just begun, the readily available amount of delicious food and sugar-laden desserts will skyrocket. While some will see this as a challenge as to how much weight they can keep off, I say we forget about those trivial numbers and measurements, and instead indulge ourselves in all that the holidays have to offer.

There is no shame in enjoying yourself, and definitely nothing wrong with eating whatever you want (to a healthy degree), but as long as you’re not just binge eating pie and actually getting some form of nutrition, don’t feel bad about getting into the season.

The whole obsession with weight gain over winter and the appearance of how-to’s regarding workouts and meal plans on blogs and internet sites stems directly from the societal pressure to maintain thinness. For some, that isn’t a reality, and this pressure only exacerbates the stresses that come with the holidays, adding the idea of watching weight to the mix of family events, planning, gift giving, and general hustle and bustle.

I say we get rid of this pressure and learn to love ourselves, regardless of tummy size or the insignificant number on a scale. There is so much fun to be had and food to be eaten, and no one needs society’s image of perfection spoiling the potential of the season.

So rock your food baby with pride (or just wear a large sweater to cover it). Regardless of what you choose, don’t let the pressures of keeping off that holiday weight get you down and prevent you from having a great time surrounded by the people that love you.

Short, but with strong climbing ability. Adventurous eater. Lover of literature and art. Probably tired.