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Start Off Spring Semester Organized & Positive

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

After winter break I always feel like jumping right back into my classes and being motivated for completing all my homework is always so difficult. (I just spent a month watching countless YouTube videos and mall trips after all.) I thought up some ways we can all get inspired and stay organized this spring semester and get through the Post-Winter- Break-Slump together.


  1. Make Lists- Like so many lists. Having nice organized sticky notes can really help you make sure you don’t forget any assignments. By the way, crossing stuff off just feels so good.
  2. Use The Reward System- if you do an hour of studying or an hour doing little assignments; give yourself a little break before starting your next chunk of work. Go out and grab coffee with friends, or scroll through Instagram for a while. Breaking up your work makes it seem so much more bearable.
  3. Make Sure You Have Cute Stationary- If you have a nice notebook with a go-get-em’ quote on it, a Minnie Mouse pen, and a colorful folder, that alone should help you to stay organized and keep everything together.
  4. Don’t Leave It To The Last Minute- Try not to be one of those people that pushes everything off until right before it is due. It will not help you in the long run, and probably make your stress levels shoot way up.
  5. Look at the Bright Side-Try to keep reminding yourself of the big picture. That late night full of work will eventually come to an end. The same goes for that week you have a project in two different classes and around four papers also due; that week will eventually end. This semester will not last forever, and neither will the next one or the next. Your education in a University will ultimately finish, and you will get that diploma. Think about what you will end up getting out of all of this hard work now and how worth it’ll be one day.

As a result of hard work, organization, and staying positive you will get out of your slump in next to no time! Bring on this semester.


Sabrina Stewart

Kutztown '20

Hi! My name is Sabrina and I am a communication major with a focus in media studies with a minor in a public relations and new media/digital communication here at KU! I am the Events Coordinator for the KU chapter this year! I love fashion, NYC, quotes, book characters, ice cream, exploring, and many many other things. I also tend to drink an excessive amount of lattes.