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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

As college students, we’re always looking for ways to make a quick buck or to not spend so much in the first place. I’ve been working since I was 14 years old, and money management hasn’t always been my strongest trait. However, as the years have gone on, I’ve gotten more experienced in learning ways to save my cash. Some call it cheap, but I call it smart. 

Shop Smarter, Not Harder

When I go shopping, I go to the Dollar Tree or some other discounted store and buy what I can there first. They have most items I need to get such as deodorant, toothpaste, or snacks. After shopping there, I’ll head to a grocery store and buy whatever is left on my list (with coupons of course). 

Leave Your Wallet at Home

This sounds kind of weird, but I swear it works. If I’m going somewhere that I know I’ll feel tempted to buy something, I’ll leave my wallet at home. At first I would just take the money out of my wallet, but then my debit card became my enemy. It’s best to either leave your wallet at home or take out your cash and cards before leaving the house. 

Take Advantage of Free Services

Your environment might determine this next one. Being a college student with a meal plan, it can get old at times to be eating the same thing. However, I’m already paying for the meal plan, so ordering take-out every week is a waste of money on both ends. Once in a while is fine, of course, but try to restrict it as much as possible. Another example is the school’s local rec center. I know so many people who won’t use the “free” service that’s built into tuition prices, but instead have a membership they pay for at a different gym. Take advantage of things that are being offered, rather than spending the extra cash.  

Save Your Paycheck

Pay day is the most exciting day of the week, and it’s easy to get carried away with the money that was just loaded into your bank account. Set a limit for yourself on how much of the paycheck you want to save and how much you’ll let yourself spend until the next one. And most importantly, hold yourself to that!


Gas prices always seem to be on the rise, and watching the numbers grow as I fill up my tank breaks my tiny wallet’s heart every time. Of course we can’t walk everywhere, but if a place is close enough, then save your gas for a time when you’ll need it and walk to your destination. You won’t be filling it up as often and can put that saved money towards something else. It’ll help you get some exercise, too. Two birds, one stone. 

Plan a Night In

It’s obviously cheaper to stay at home than to go out, but that doesn’t mean it’s always the more fun option. Rather than sitting around alone, invite friends over for a movie night, to play games, bake, anything! You can still have that quality time with those you love but with a budget. 

Patrick Spongebob Money
These are just a few small things you can do to save a few dollars here or there that won’t disrupt your everyday life. It may not seem like it’s saving you much at the time, but trust me. It adds up. 


Jessica Garrison is a professional writing major and women's, gender, and sexuality studies minor at Kutztown University.