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Putting the Twist in Painting

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Throughout the last few years, the concept of paint and wine nights has become a popular trend. In hindsight it makes sense to put the two together if you revert to the “hoity-toity” kind of stereotype associated with both. Growing up, I always thought of the two as separate but equally scaled in level of fanciness.

Nonetheless, these new Painting With A Twist studios can be found all over the United States and for a while I would watch people on my social media post pictures of their masterpieces, surrounded by girlfriends or spending a night with boo. Coming from an art historical background, I could never decide whether these sorts of things could count as art based on the step-by-step aura surrounding them. Finally, after a while of deliberating their purpose and the consideration of Bob Ross’s step-by-step videos of old and how no one questions his artistic capabilities, I went to my first session this summer in North Carolina (not saying you need to go that far to find one, of course).

What I learned is that Painting With A Twist is basically an art class like you might get in any studio but with wine. The only real difference I spotted, besides the fantastic 90s playlist grooving in the background, was that the instructor paints with you as you do. I know as an art student, a professor will usually give a demo and leave the rest up to you.

What makes this kind of art different is the fun, free-spirited environment that comes with it. Sometimes you get there and half the class is already wine drunk. The people there are simply trying to have a little fun while also making an artwork. And who ever said artwork couldn’t be drunkenly fun? As I sat there working on my painting, I came to realize just how social art can be. Oftentimes, we think of painting and think of the lone artist brooding locked away in her studio. Though I have only been to one of these studios, it seems as if Painting With A Twist creates an instantaneous art community. All of a sudden, strangers are sharing painting techniques and ideas, assisting with color mixing and application, filling empty wine glasses, and simply just encouraging one another.

In the world of art, painting is often elevated to a higher level, one that sometimes seems elitist and out of bounds for the majority of people. In attending the class, I saw art being used as it is meant to be: for pure passion and pleasure.


Just an overwhelmed college student looking to get her work out in the open.