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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

Things you could be doing instead of what you should be doing right now.


1). Watching Netflix

Netflix is the obvious go-to for procrastinating. It’s as if it was created specifically FOR keeping you off task. It’s available any time, anywhere and for such a low price. Why write a 10-page research paper that you need in order to graduate when you could be watching Shameless?


2). Going to the GymI mean, just imagine how fit you would be if you went to the gym every night instead of doing your Calculus homework? Equations aren’t going to tone your body now are they?


3). Petting Someone’s DogChances are, you could totally find a fellow college student who owns a dog and pet it instead of doing whatever you’re avoiding right now. Dogs are man’s best friend and you wouldn’t want to let your best friend down would you?


4). Staring at a wallWe all know that this becomes especially preferable once we turn our phones and TV off and break out the tax return paperwork. But you know what? Staring at walls can actually be pretty zen and having a mellow mind is always healthier than stressing out.


5). Going to WalmartYou can’t possibly get anything done until you get the proper necessities! You’ll need supplies, food and maybe even a $5 graphic tee from the men’s section (theirs are always better).


6). Eating.You can’t get anything done on an empty stomach. You just can’t! And you certainly can’t eat and while doing whatever you should be doing right now.


7). Clean your RoomYou obviously won’t be able to focus on anything if your room is a mess. Now is definitely the perfect time to clean it. That carpet isn’t going to mop it’s self!


8).  Finally start your memoir How is anyone going to know the inner workings of your complex mind unless you write one. You’ve been meaning to do it for years and now here’s your chance.


9). Taking every Buzzfeed quiz that pops up in your timelineYou need to know what kind of plant you were in a past life and you need to know NOW.



10).  Re-watch all of those Tasty Facebook videos.If you don’t learn what goes into a slow cooker Cajun Chicken Alfredo dish, then what’s the point of all of this? Those Tasty videos aren’t going to watch and share themselves.


11).  Look at all of your 8th grade boyfriend’s pictures of his new girlfriendYou’ll never forget your 8th grade formal or the guy you spent it with (at a bible’s length apart) so you should check in on him and see how he’s doing.

 * Be sure not to accidentally like anything *


12).  Finally reply to the text your aunt sent you 2 weeks agoYou totally meant to answer at the time but something came up and you didn’t think about it again until now (sorry Aunt Marie). How is she ever going to know if she should save you her old box television if you don’t say so right this moment.


13).  Write the article you forgot about  You had a week to write a thoughtful article that engages an audience and gets them to think critically but this is what you did instead. (Sorry Carm).

A Taco Bell-obsessed Delawarean who happens to spend most of her time in Pennsylvania.