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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.


I’m graduating, I’m stressed, I despise the President and his twitter fingers, I cry for the world, I try to remain positive. Sometimes I forget to take care of myself other times I procrastinate and only focus on myself. These are things I’ve written about already, everyone knows these things by now so lets cross them off the list. How about how much I love my skin, Beyonce, my family, or high hopes and fears for the future? Nope, also topics that i’ve touched on.

I’m currently experiencing a block and I have nothing to say. That doesn’t mean my brain is empty, it’s currently swimming with worries for the future, thoughts about love, protection for my friends and family and hopes that they only experience good things. It’s a jumbled mess and I can’t seem to straighten it out to write. So much stuff happens daily, both good and bad, but I don’t have words to express them nor do I really want those words at the moment, and that’s okay. I don’t think I should force them out, If I have nothing to say then I should be able to be silent. I feel like everyone should take a break at some point. Otherwise you release ideas out into the world not because you want to but because you have to, and that takes away the genuineness.

Writing every week can be healing sometimes, and other times it’s exhausting. There’s a lot that goes into it, and sometimes you just want to be alone with your thoughts, the good and the bad and share them when you’re ready. However I can’t be stingy anymore or bask in my own silence. I’m at my 3rd strike, one more and I’m out so here’s my ramble. Ramble of nothing but still about something.