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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

10 years from now when I look back, one thing I’m determined to say I accomplished is see the world. I want to be able to share my adventures with my future nieces and children. I refuse to stay dormant and watch life pass me by. I was granted the opportunity to travel overseas for the first time two Decembers ago.  One of the highlights of the trip was bringing in the new year in a new place. It brought the whole experience full circle. Since then I vowed that I would keep bringing in the new year in a different location. So December 31, 2017 I packed my bags, grabbed my best friend and flew across the country to Los Angeles, California.

It was my first time traveling without anyone there to guide me. No professors or instructors to help me get over my fears. Just my friend and I, Dasia, who hadn’t been on a plane until that moment. It was an extremely freeing moment. I’ve never been so scared and ready to tackle the world at the same time.

My mission is to continue having that feeling for as long time allows. To see the world and bring along as many friends and family as I can. I know people who haven’t seen past the streets of Philadelphia but want to and I think that possible for everyone. So I’m starting a list, a list of places I want to go and a list of people I need to take with me.

Traveling is good for the soul. It may be cliche, but it’s true, so I urge you to save up. Grab someone who makes you laugh and see the world. If the world scares you just see another state to start off, but open your horizons and take chances.