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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kutztown chapter.

The first memory I have of John is of him sitting in Schuylkill Hall lobby and my sister whispering in my ear, “He looks cute.” For the next three days, my eyes would follow him whenever he was around. I had no idea who he was, what his name was, or why I wanted to talk to him so badly, but I just knew that I wanted to be near him. My roommate freshman year brought us together – accidentally – by inviting him into our room with everyone else on the wing because she wanted to get to know everyone. Little did I know, that I would get to know and eventually fall in love with my best friend.

I have spent the past two years of my life with John by my side. In relation to the twenty years of my existence, two years isn’t all that long. But those two years have been a time of incredible growth and support for me – and that’s all because of John. I had no intentions of coming into Kutztown and being in a relationship, but how do you pass up your soulmate? To me, I knew almost immediately that John was someone special. I had this intense feeling that I wanted to talk, get to know him, and for him to get to know me too. Within weeks, we were spending hours every day together and soon we starting sharing the same bed together because we didn’t want to leave each other’s sides.

Now anyone who has gone or goes to Kutztown knows that the beds aren’t designed for two people. Specifically, they are made for one person and really trying to squeeze two full-grown adults onto them is a task within itself. Somehow though, we’ve made it work. Every night, I fall asleep next to my best friend and every morning I wake up next to him. The joy that I find in something so trivial, so average is the reason that I usually wind up in the wall every night for the past two years. Now that I have John, I can’t fathom being apart from him and any time I sleep by myself in that standard twin bed, something feels like it’s missing. I honestly doubt that I could make it work with anyone else. Even though we’re complete opposites (I’m always cold and he’s almost always sweating, I want the covers up to my chin and he barely uses them at all), the twin-sized beds that we’ve had at Kutztown have become a symbol for the love that John and I share.

Those twin beds have become a safe haven, a harbor of happiness for me. This is so incredibly important for me because I came into Kutztown depressed, scared, and lost. Now I always feel at home when John is by my side and I’ve learned to value the little things – like sharing your favorite place with your favorite person. The love that I have for John grows everyday and it won’t stop at twin-sized. For the past two years though, those definitely single-person beds have been the perfect size for our love story – twin-sized.